Ya te lo dije, solo te lo recuerdo…

Me deslumbra tu diamante,

el fulgor de su sino,

su sofisticado corte, y cómo

sublime trasmutas el carbono encendido…

Vida vibrante que todo lo envuelve, que todo lo ES.

Y son ¿solo? los ojos que miran. Abrirlos juntos descubre un Uni(Multi)verso.

Tu arte es mi inspiración, el fuego que me alimenta y al que me entrego. Sincrónica creativa y me nutro.

Tu talento construye mis sueños. Y “cuando florece mi corazón es Primavera en el mundo”.

Vivo en un jardín inmenso. Tu amor es una bendición.

Gracias, Adrián.

Sira Antequera



To all our collaborators,

To all of you who help us every day, in every event,

to all those who strive so hard to shine to the extraordinary, for your greatness as people and your talent as professionals. For your smiles. By magic Thanks!

Photographers and videographers are indispensable to show what we do. We appreciate your visual and artistic commitment. Thank you for your passion and your Art.

My gratitude to Nacho Arias Cinepoesía, for the creative complicity that links us for so many years. Thank you for the enormous synchrony and sensitivity with which you collect our work in your films.

The photos that we have selected for our website are from the following authors. Thanks for your work!

  • 100% Photos
    Amanda Watt
    Angel Luis Juste
    Antonio de Pérez
    Ana Alonso
    Couche Photo
    David de Biasí
    David Luque
    The Perfect White
    The Red Frame
    Eloy Muñoz and Aleksandra Foit
    Fernando Herranz
    Fran Russo
    Gert Huygaerts
    Guillermo Junquera
    Snapshot and Take First
    Isaac Lux Poem
    Javier Berenguer
    Jesús Aldebarán
    Joseba Sandoval
    Juan Jesús Palacios
    Juan Luis Corrales (Four Hearts)
    Lorenzo Carnero
    Luis García
    Michel Maraver
    Nacho Arias
    Perez’s Nani
    Nicola Capilli
    Owen Farrell
    Pablo Costa
    Pedro Jaén
    Pedro Navarro
    Pierre Richardson
    Saso Kos
    Sira Antequera
    The Love Hunters

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